Spiritual Warfare

The People That Hell is Meant For

There is no punishment too severe for the evil that took the life of George Floyd. What makes this so egregious is simple. I have a three-level evil test. First there is the cookie jar evil. That is where you do things while looking around to make sure no one is looking. Next there is the Orc, or Troll effect. That is where a person does things only at night, under the cover of darkness, again, so that no one can see what they are doing or who is doing what. Lastly, there is absolute evil. That is where, day or night, in open sight, a person does unimaginable evil, not caring who sees. In fact, these people want the world to see and fear them. They are braggadocious about their power and evil. They want you to know you are next if they get a chance. These are the people that Hell is meant for.

People who behave this way do not have names, they only have character, a specific disposition, or nature; that nature is evil. The persons directly involved with Floyd’s death lived a persona of evil. It was no secret, they had a record of it known to all around them, including all their superiors. That is why punishment should be extended to the entire department and especially to those who were responsible for turning that evil onto all of us.

When that evil attacked and killed Floyd it attacked all of us. There is a part of all of us who died that day with Floyd. All decent people are outraged, fearful, saddened, angry, and now cry out for justice. Justice must be had.

Not in the form of riots. Rioters are not the people who love and care for Floyd. They are the Orcs and Trolls of society looking to take advantage of people’s suffering. They exploit it for their own rotten gain, all the time pretending to perform their destruction in the name of Floyd. This is not love for Floyd. This is not caring for Floyd. Love is open and vulnerable for all to see, in broad daylight and all through the night.

Trolls are the minions of evil. They do not want justice, they want more evil, and they don’t care who they hurt.

The people who really care about Floyd are in mourning, and we cry out in prayer, and in peaceful demonstration for justice for Floyd, and for all the Floyds of the world.


Are You a Truth Seeker?

Do you want to know the Truth? “Can you handle the Truth?” Most claim to want to know the Truth.

Where can you find the truth today? Most people I know look for the truth on either CNN or Fox, they don’t quote bible and verse, they quote Maddow and Hannity, and anyone on the other side is definitely going to hell. This is the truth that people live by; this is the truth that people swear by, and sometimes they swear a lot by it. This truth is easy to find, you sit in front of a T.V., turn it on to your choice of truth and the pundits will feed you all the truth you want. When you’re done you will be very passionately angry at everyone feeding on the other channel. This is the truth that most people seek, it’s easy, and it’s divisive, and it does not set you free. This truth is not peaceful or kind, it is not full of life and love, and in many cases, it leads to anger and violence.

If you are like most people today, then you believe that you already know the truth, and the truth is whatever you want it to be. The only truth that you will listen to is the truth you already believe. If you hear something that is not what you believe, all too often it will make you hate the person speaking? Do you argue against what you hear because you want to know the Truth, or because you hate what you hear?

It is generally not a good idea to divide things into two categories, but sometimes it just is that way. The truth about the truth is that it either is the truth, or it is not. A thing is either true or it is a lie. Similarly, people are either truth seekers, or they are not.

Truth does not conform to anyone’s belief; it is not weak. Truth is not dependent, or insufficient. Truth does not need your approval to be what it is; it does not need you.

Killing the messenger does not change the message.

There are only two choices, you can accept the Truth, or you can deny the Truth. That is not the same as believing or disbelieving the truth. Truth does not need to be believed, in order to be what it is. You can either acknowledge a thing to be true or you can deny that it is what it is, but that does not change what it is.

Truth does not hide, but people sometimes hide the truth; the reasons are obvious. Sometimes the truth is “as plain as the nose on your face”, sometimes not. Sometimes, in order to find, “the cold, hard truth” you have to dig a little, sometimes a lot. Sometimes you need to seek!

Are you a Truth seeker?

Published in: on May 4, 2020 at 2:32 am  Leave a Comment  

Spiritual Warfare

     Murder is wrong! It does not  matter the age. Labels don’t change the product. Whether you refer to a person as a Geezer, middle-aged adult, teenager, juvenile, youth, child, infant, baby, or fetus, it’s all the same. You are not less human because of your age or because of a physical or mental defect.

     The murder of George Tiller, Sunday, May 31st, is not justified because he killed numerous unborn humans, some old enough to have survived outside the womb. I could never condone cold blooded murder despite my own personal views. George Tiller was, in my opinion, a horrible person with no more conscience than any typical mass murderer. But,  like all mass murderers, he deserved to be tried for his actions in a court of law not by one person with a loaded gun. Unfortunately, killing the unborn is a government sanctioned practice in this country.

     I say all this because I do not want to give the wrong idea of what I believe. Killing George Tiller was murder, it was wrong!

     The point of this article is not what happened to George Tiller but where George Tiller was when he was murdered, a church.  He was in the act of ushering at the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas.

     Are there no limitations, in Christian churches today, as to who can be excepted as a member regardless of their, declared, behavioral practices?

     Because the German government said it’s OK to kill Jews should churches admit the Hitler’s of the world into them as members?

     There is a difference, thank God, between morally right and legally right. In most  cases it is the morally right which establishes the precedence for any law. Abortion is one shameful exception in this country.

     Shame on people for being irresponsible in the first place. Shame on mother’s to-be for being willing to kill their own babies in order to absolve themselves of one sin. Shame on doctors who take an oath to preserve life and yet take the life of such helpless humans.

     But, for the point of this opinion, shame on Churches for adding their approval by letting any one like George Tiller into a church for any other reason than repentance.

     My dear God, a member of the Christian family, makes me ashamed to be associated with the label, Christianity. Which means,” to be Christ like”.

     George Tiller needed Christ but he was not Christ like.

Published in: on June 12, 2009 at 6:10 pm  Leave a Comment  

Spiritual Warfare

For some reason, different for every one, you decide to give Christianity a closer look.  The reason doesn’t matter here.  Point is you listen, you read and some where along the way you decide to pray.  Salvation is free.  Jesus died on the cross for everyone.  All you have to do is repent and accept the gift.

So now your saved.  Your happy, everyone is happy for you.

To most people who accept salvation it really is like a gift-wrapped present.  A present that  usually doesn’t get opened.  You take the gift home, look around for a place to put it; in the closet, under the bed, on the mantel, some place, any place and leave it there till maybe Sunday church or a family gathering,  Then you bring it out, tuck it under your arm and off to church with your gift of salvation.  You get there, every one has one…salvation.  After church or Christmas or Thanksgiving the gift go’s back to it’s place.

Why is that?  Because, Jesus is your savior and you don’t want to go to hell.  Because you chose  to and did what you were  willing to do and that’s enough.  Because you have things to do, like school or work or that special person.  Maybe it’s sports or a career, it’s always something.  Because, in your limited willing heart Jesus is your Savior, not you Lord, not your King.  He’s one moment in your life where you said you were sorry and thanked Him for dying on the cross and accepted the free gift of salvation.  Once in a while you graciously give Him another moment.  For the rest of your life you are in control, you are the ruler, you are your own Lord.

In your heart and soul you know that repentance and salvation is more than that.  And who lied and said that it’s free?

Salvation is not a moment in time, it’s a way of life.  When you really except Jesus as your Savior you accept Him as you Lord.  Lord of your whole life,  not just one moment in time but every moment in time.  It’s  no longer your time but His time.  Anything less is a waist of time.

If you don’t conduct your life according to the will of God then you conduct your life according to the will of man, your will.  Man,  has his own plan.  He does things his own way and in his own time.  As long as you are in charge, God is not.

One day you ask God for help, He gives it to you and off you go.  You need direction so you ask God  for a sign, He gives it to you.  That was good. You come back for another sign, you get it.  You get help, you get signs, then one day God ask you for more of your time.  You have things you need to do first.  In fact you have a whole list.  They sound good and reasonable, at least to you they do.  Your timing is never God’s timing.  There is always something more you have to do.  Your in charge, your Lord of you.  God will have to wait, the timing isn’t right.

Salvation is a way of life, it’s not just a moment.  What you had was a moment, you do not have salvation!  There is a difference.  Salvation is surrender to God’s will not yours.  Why? Because you know that your plan doesn’t work, it never really works.  Because your plan may give you stuff but it does not give you life. Why?  Because you’ve made a mess of your life and you can’t fix it.  But it’s not just one moment, it’s every moment of your life, because if you keep your moments you will mess it up again.

So, keep control, stick to your timing and do what you think you need to do but don’t call it salvation.

I know this because I’ve done it.  I know this because I know others who are still doing it.

Know one knows how much time they have, but we all know that it’s not a lot.

If your waiting for that ” right time ” it will never come,  Lucifer will see to that.  There will always be something more to do, something  that you have to wait for before you can make that decision to make Jesus Lord.  If your waiting for that perfect time when every thing is just right…it just won’t happen…not ever!  If your putting off the Truth; if your putting off the decision to make Jesus your Lord and to change your life because it’s just not the right time, then your just lying to your self.  Because you know when it is time.  It was time yesterday.  It’s time right now!

Waiting always has the same result…time runs out.

Published in: on May 12, 2009 at 9:13 am  Leave a Comment